Once the submission deadline passes, the Common Good Challenge team will perform an administrative review to confirm each submission meets the rules and application requirements before advancing to the Peer-to-Peer Review.
During Peer-to-Peer Review, each lead applicant will be required to score and comment on five applications from other teams. Top-scoring applications will move on to the Evaluation Panel and will each receive an additional score and comments from five judges. All reviewers will use the scoring rubric, and all scores will be statistically normalized to ensure fairness.
The Arizona Community Foundation will review the top-scoring submissions and request additional information as needed to select six Finalists based on considerations that may include, but are not limited to, Evaluation Panel resulting rank order, organizational capacity, geographic diversity, and feasibility. Those Finalists will be invited to participate in a pitch event with the Selection Committee in June 2023. That Committee will decide on the three $100,000 award recipients.